Thursday, 9 October 2014

Top 5 Wednesdays: Female Characters

Hey, guys! So it's been awhile since I did a T5W but I couldn't pass up this week's topic and miss my chance to talk about my favourite literary ladies! I was supposed to post this yesterday but I got distracted and only wrote half of it up, oops. Also, these ones are in no particular order because that would be too difficult. Anyway, let's go!

#1: Hermione Granger, Harry Potter Series
I actually think Hermione was one of the first (if not the actual first) characters that I ever related to and admired. When I read this series as a child, I looked up to her so much. I loved that she was strong and intelligent as well as heavily flawed. I can't not mention her one discussing favourite female characters. 

#2: Celaena Sardothien, Throne of Glass Series
Having only recently read this series, it's been on my mind quite a bit. Especially in regards to how much I love Celaena! One of the big things I appreciate about her character is how much of a badass she is without having to disregard her femininity to do so. Her strength is shown both emotionally and physically. She is a kickass assassin who likes to wear dresses and look pretty. She is just so great.

#3: Sansa Stark, A Song of Ice and Fire Series
Okay, guys, let me tell you a thing. Sansa Stark is possibly one of the most underrated characters in not only this series, but just in general. She is a character I will die defending. At the start of the series, I was with a lot of other people. I did not like her for various reasons. But what so many people seem to ignore is how much she changes at the end of that book and for the rest of the series. She becomes strong and learns how to survive literally under the same roof as her enemy. She seems to go from bad situations to worse, but through it all she plays the game of thrones better than a lot of other characters.

#4: Rose Hathaway, Vampire Academy Series
The development we see Rose make from the start to end of this series is literally one of my favourite things I've ever read. She becomes almost a totally different person, and in the best way possible. Similar to Celaena (and most of the women on this list), I also love that she does not feel is necessary to dismiss her femininity to be the badass that she is. 

#5: Brienne of Tarth, A Song of Ice and Fire Series
This series is just filled with wonderfully complex female characters, which is a big reason as to why I love it so much. And of course, my absolute favourite has to be between Sansa and Brienne (don't make me choose, it won't happen). Brienne is possibly the complete opposite to Sansa but just as strong-willed for completely different reasons. She is constantly facing an uphill battle to get recognition for her talent but is ignored because she is too masculine then a woman 'should be'. I love that she sticks to her guns, never tries to change how she is and admire traditionally feminine things. Her character is honestly a gift.

So, there you go, guys! Who are your top 5 favourite female characters? Are any the same as mine? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time!
Jess, xxx

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